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    "Double random forest" (2020), Machine Learning
    "Flower Classification with Modified Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks" (2020), Expert Systems with Applications
    "Forecasting Daily Temperatures with Different Time Interval Data Using Deep Neural Networks" (2020), Applied Sciences
    "Partially Collapsed Gibbs Sampling for Latent Dirichlet Allocation" (2019), Expert Systems with Applications
    "Bayesian temporal density estimation with autoregressive species sampling models" (2018), Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
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    과학관 143호
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    “Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods”, Sage Publications, 2008
    “163가지 표본추출법”, 자유아카데미, 2008
    “표본조사입문”, 자유아카데미, 2005
  • 대표 논문
    "Feasibility and quality of a national RDD smartphone web survey: comparison with a cell Phone CATI survey" (2021), Social Science Computer Review
    “Optimal Solutions in Controlled Selection Problems with Two-Way Stratification” (2014), Survey Methodology
    “Sodium Intake of a City Population in Korea Estimated by 24-h Urine Collection Method” (2013), European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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    Mixed effect models, Longitudinal data analysis
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    동국대 통계학과 통계학 학사
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  • 대표 논문
    A Novel User Utility Score for Diabetes Management Using Tailored Mobile Coaching: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial(2021), JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH, 9(2), e17573
    Factors related to spiritual well-being in the last days of life in three East Asian countries: An international multicenter prospective cohort study(2021), Palliative Medicine, 35(8), 1564~1577.
    Association between continuous deep sedation and survival time in terminally ill cancer patients(2021), Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(1), 525~531.
    Association between handgrip strength and suicidal ideation in Korean adults(2021), Journal of Affective Disorders, 278, 477~480.
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  • 교수연구실
    과학관 237호
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    Cornell대 통계학과 통계학 박사
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    Clustering, Bayesian modeling
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    고려대 지질학과 지질학 학사
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    Cornell대 통계학과 통계학 박사
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  • 대표 논문
    “Bayesian Model-Based Tight Clustering for Time Course Data” (2010) Computational Statistics. 25, 1, 17-38.
    “Clustering of Temporal Profiles Using a Bayesian Logistic Mixture Model: Analyzing Groundwater Level Data to Understand the Characteristics of Urban Groundwater Recharge" (2009), Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. 14, 3, 356-373.
    “Estimation Of Anthropogenic Pollution Using A Bayesian Contamination Model: An Application to Fractured Bedrock Groundwater from Han River Watershed, South Korea" (2009) Environmetrics., 20, 3, 221-234.
    “Model-Based Bayesian Cluster Analysis” (2008) Bioinformatics, 24, 874-875.
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  • 교수연구실
    과학관 213호
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    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil 생물통계학과 생물통계학(Biostatistics) 박사
  • 전공 분야
  • 세부 연구분야
    Epidemiologic models, Risk prediction models, Non-parametric Bayesian methods
  • 학사학위 과정
    중앙대 응용통계학과 경제 학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    North Carolina 주립대-Chapel Hill 생물통계학과 생물통계학(Biostatistics) 석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    North Carolina 주립대-Chapel Hill 생물통계학과 생물통계학(Biostatistics) 박사
  • 담당 과목
    회귀분석 / 탐색적 자료분석 / 생존분석
  • 대표 논문
    “Bayesian Mixture Model of Extended Redundancy Analysis.” (2021) Psychometrika, doi: 10.1007/s11336-021-09809-7
    “Bayesian Approach to Multivariate Component-Based Logistic Regression: Analyzing Correlated Multivariate Ordinal Data” (2021) Multivariate Behavioral Research, doi: 10.1080/00273171.2021.1874260.
    “Bayesian Extended Redundancy Analysis: A Bayesian Approach to Component-based Regression with Dimension Reduction“ (2020) Multivariate Behavioral Research, doi: 10.1080/00273171.2019.1598837.